Bulk Red Sorghum (Milo) is best known for its ease of use in the mushroom growing world. Our 20 lb bag of red milo is a perfect choice for making mushroom spawn. It is sourced from local farms, free from harmful chemicals or additives, and is rich in protein, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals that promote healthy mycelial growth and fruiting. The red pigmentation of the grain also provides additional antioxidant properties. With its fine particle size, the red milo is easy to sterilize and inoculate with desired mushroom strains, allowing for consistent and reliable growth. It is a cost-effective and sustainable option for those looking to make their own mushroom spawn, providing the best possible growing conditions for healthy, vibrant mushrooms.

  • Bulk Red Sorghum (Dry)
  • Currently available in 20 pound bags and by the Pallet

Price: $29.99
    Points to Purchase:2999
    Points Earned:150
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    Item #: RS10
    Availability: In Stock
    Usually ships In 1 Day

    Red milo is an excellent choice for mushroom cultivation due to its nutritional value and natural properties. It is rich in protein, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals that can help promote healthy mycelial growth and fruiting. In addition, the red pigmentation of the grain provides additional antioxidant properties that can further support your mushroom cultivation efforts.

    Our 20 lb bag of red milo is a cost-effective option for those looking to make their own mushroom spawn. It is easy to use and can be mixed with other ingredients such as oats or rye to create a nutrient-rich substrate for your mushroom cultures. With its fine particle size, our red milo can be easily sterilized and inoculated with your desired mushroom strains, allowing for consistent and reliable growth.

    So why choose our red milo for your mushroom cultivation needs? It's simple - our product is of the highest quality, Midwest sourced. With our red milo, you can feel confident that you are providing your mushroom cultures with the best possible growing conditions. Order your bag today and take the first step towards growing healthy, vibrant mushrooms!

    • Bulk Organic Red Sorghum (Dry)
    • Available in 10, 20, 30 & 40 pound bags