Maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa) has an earthy aroma and a wholesome taste. Rich in vitamin D, it helps everything from cancer support to bone health. Its distinctive shape has earned it the nickname “hen-of-the-woods.” It’s also known as sheep head and king of the mushrooms, with its most common name — maitake — meaning “dancing mushroom.”
Maitake mushroom is rich in bioactive polysaccharides, especially D-fraction, MD-fraction, and SX-fraction. These protein polysaccharides have well-documented immune-protecting and antitumor properties.
Our unique strain is isolated for best results in any master's mix!
- 10cc Liquid Culture syringe
- Alcohol Prep Pad
- 16G 1.5" Luer Lock Needle
Names: Maitake, Hen of the Woods
Classification: Hypsizygus
Substrates: Rye Berries, Supplemented Sawdust, Straw
Incubation Temp: 68-80° F
Incubation Humidity: 85%-90%
Incubation Time: 18 Days
Fruiting Temp: 67-76° F
Fruiting Humidity: 90%-93%
Fruiting Time: 20-30 Days
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