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The package came very timely and it was extremely easy to set up. Great purchase!
In my humble opinion this is a fantastic humidifier. Great cost quality device. Easy to use and clean. Large water opening easy to fill. Lots of great humidity. Works well on a timer.
Haven’t put this in my Martha tent yet, but received it before promised. It is well constructed and looks like it will do perfect job!
Absolutely worth the money. Keeps my Martha where it needs to be. I'm going to order a second one just to have as a backup. The lights inside are a nice bonus.
I purchased this humidifier to maintain a constant humidity level in a cabinet I use to cure a special kind of natural lacquer. The range ideally stays within a specific range. The product works perfectly with an Inkbird humidistat. This is a great little unit that works, unlike all the other methods I’ve tried. One note about installation: The tube connecting the box to the humidifier must slope consistently back to the humidifier. Moisture condenses inside the tube. You want it to drain back to the unit. If the tube sags anywhere in its length, the water will fill up the sag and block the steam.